-Pastor Keith
* = Personally used by Pastor Keith
Disclaimer: Neither Pastor Keith, nor An Carraig Baptist Church or any member thereof, has received discounts, perks or any kind of compensation from the companies listed below. We also take no responsibility, nor endorse, those who may own or use these websites, nor what may be written/advertised/promoted therein. These links are merely recommendations stemming from Pastor Keith's limited use and research. We advise those who access these links to do their own research into the companies listed below and to make their own decision as to whether or not to engage with them.
If you would like some privacy in your life, see the links below.
(Speak Freely)
Brighteon Social
We recently removed an app called MeWe, due to them taking posts down because they questioned a political election. This is the antithesis of free speech and I will no longer promote their app.
Please let us know if you know any other websites that promote privacy which are not listed.